International workshop on Transcriptomic Data Analysis resceduled to held on 21st Nov 2022
Quaxon Bio & IT Solutions , India is going to organize two days online workshop on topic “Transcriptomic Data Analysis”
16th-17th Nov 2022. 7 PM to 9.30 PM Indian Standard Time
Resceduled to held on 21st Nov 2022 7 PM Indian Standard
Last date to Register 20 Nov 2022 5 PM
Platform : Google Meet
Workshop Manuals, video recording of session and e-certificate will be provided to all participants
About the topic:
RNA-seq is recently developed tool for transcriptome profiling that uses deep sequencing methods. It is considered to be most precise method of measurement of level of transcripts in a cell and their quantity.
The transcriptome is the complete set of transcripts in a cell, and their quantity, for a specific developmental stage or physiological condition. Understanding the transcriptome is essential for interpreting the functional elements of the genome and revealing the molecular constituents of cells and tissues, and also for understanding development and disease. It is today adopted by researchers across biology to study and profile differential expression and use it for various purposes downstream.
This programme will be useful for students, research fellows and faculties from bioscience and pharmaceutical background.
Training curriculum
- Introduction to Linux and R
- Data download and data loading, QC and Alignment
- Feature count
- Downstream analysis of count matrix and identification of Differentially Expressed genes
- Gene Set Enrichment using Differentially Expressed genes
Resource Person

Mr. Sakti Prasad Mishra
Data Analyst
Immunogenomics Lab
Institute of Life Sciences,
Bhubaneswar, India
Persons from all biological science(Biotechnology, pharmaceutical science, microbiology, bioinformatics and other allied areas)
For Indians
It is a paid event with nominal charge of Rs.1000/- for Indian students and Rs.1500/- for Faculty, Research Fellow etc.
For foreign Partcipants
Two days workshop fee is $20/-
How to Participate?
Step-1: Make payment of participation fee by visiting the below URL and note your transaction number
Payment link for Indian Participants
Payment link for working professionals(Rs.1500/-)
Payment link for students
Alternative payment link
Payment link for non-Indian Participants
visit the below link to pay the fee $20 https://paypal.me/Workshop334
System Requirement:
1. 8 GB RAM or higher/2-core 4 threads processor or higher (Intel i3 minimum for Intel builds and Ryzen 3 for AMD builds)/Windows 10, version 1909 or higher (for Windows systems) OR Ubuntu, version 14.04 or higher/ any other similar Linux distro (for Linux systems)/4. Storage space of ~100 GB in C drive/home directory of the computer system.
About Us
Quaxon Bio & IT Solutions is a start-up established by a team of inter disciplinary experts from the field of advance Biology and Data Science. We are acting as industry-academic interface by knowledge transformation and produce human resource equipped with next generation technology. We keep training and education at top priority as it has the immense potential to change the way of our thinking and living. In recent past we have conducted numerous workshop on advance biology and Bioinformatics with international participants from various countries.
Contact for any enquiry:
write to us support@qbits.org